Academia, Research and Expert Activities
In the realm of research, I have directed or collaborated on over ten domestic and international projects, resulting in a substantial bibliography of over 700 entries. As a dedicated professor, my teaching excellence in EU law, EU administrative law, public law, constitutional theory, and methodology has garnered consistent praise. Prioritizing students, I have (co-)supervised over 100 (under)graduate theses, including seven, also award-winning, PhD dissertations.
My administrative experience spans over a decade, where I have successfully led and coordinated both faculty and university initiatives. This managerial background reflects my proactive, resourceful, dynamic, and solutions-oriented approach—an individual brimming with energy.
Research Projects

2012 – 2013 Protection of Human Rights in Judicial and Administrative Procedures (principal
investigator in a bilateral project with the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Law)
1.8.2013–31.7.2015: Z5-5543 (B): Post-modern challenges of trans-national law for the
EU (project leader, funded by the Slovenian Research Agency)
1.1.2016–31.12.2018: J5-7359 (A): Reform of democracy and rule of law in Slovenia
(researcher on the project, funded by the Slovenian Research Agency)
15.7.2015– 2020 Horizon 2020: EMU_SCEUS – The Choice for Europe since Maastricht: Member States’ Preferences for Economic and Financial Integration (researcher for Slovenia; project led by the University of Salzburg)
1. 9. 2016 – 2020: International Jean Monnet Research Project on Soft Law (The Soft Law Research Network, project co-cordinator)
1.5. 2017 – 2020: Ideology in the Courts: the Influence of Judges' Worldview on their
Decisions (project leader, funded by the Slovenian Research Agency)
1.10. 2018 – 30.9. 2020: Comparison between understanding and application of the concept of
the rule of law in the constitutional systems of Slovenia and the United States of America, bilateral project with Cleveland State University, Marshall College of Law (principal investigator).
1.7. 2018 – 30.6. 2021: A culture of remembrance of the building blocks of the Slovenian nation and state (researcher on the project, funded by the Slovenian Research Agency)
1.7.2019 - 30.6.2023: The Integral Theory of the Future of the European Union (project leader, funded by the Slovenian Research Agency)
1.7.2019 – 30.6. 2023: A holistic approach to respect for human rights in business – reform of the Slovenian and international legal order (researcher on the project, funded by the Slovenian Research Agency)
1.10. 2023 – 30.9. 2025: Corporate accountability, human rights, and climate change: Towards coherent governance in Slovenian and international legal order (researcher on the project, funded by the Slovenian Research Agency).
Expert Activities

2022- Member of the Management Board, EU Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA)
2021-22 Member of the Strategic Council of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Slovenia
2020-21 Member of the Rule of Law Working Group at the Ministry of Justice, Slovenia
2020- Reserve Member of the EU-UK Arbitration Panel (Council Decision 2020/2232)
2019 – Member of the Advisory Board of the Austrian Journal of Public Law (Zeitschrift für
öffentliches Recht)
2019-22 Visiting Professor within the Jean Monnet Module, University of Trieste
2019 – 2022 Member of the Advisory Board, re:constitution (Exchange and Analysis on
Democracy and the Rule of Law in Europe)
2018- Academic Expert at the Administrative Academy, Ministry of Public Administration, Slovenia
2018- Founding Member of the ICON-S Central and Eastern European Chapter
2017-2019 Visting Professor within the Jean Monnet Module, Scuola Supoeriore Sant’Anna
2015– Referee for several international scientific journals, publishing houses, projects of
foreign research agencies, Horizon 2020 and ERC grants.
2016- Editorial board member of the Pravna praksa, a leading Slovenian professional law
2015– Editorial board member of the German Law Journal
2015– Editorial board member of the Polish law journal PrzeglÄ…d Prawa Publicznego
2015– Member of an expert group of the National Assembly (Slovenia) for constitutional
2015–16 Member of the commission for amending the Higher Education Act, Ministry of
Education, Science and Sport
2014 (April) Visiting Professor Masaryk University, Brno
2014/15 Member of an expert group for the implementation of a ruling by the European Court of Human Rights (Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
2012/13 Member of an expert group of the National Assembly (Slovenia) for a constitutional
2012/13 Expert council member at the Ministry of Justice, Slovenia
2012/13 Expert council member at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Slovenia
2011– Editorial board member of a monograph series on international law, Ministry of
Foreign Affairs
2010– Editorial board member of the Slovenian human rights journal Dignitas
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